The cereal leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) has a broad host range. Wheat is the preferred host, but adults and larvae also feed on leaf tissue of oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Yield quality and quantity is decreased, if the flag leaf is stripped. Fortunately, the parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is an important natural enemy of cereal leaf beetle larvae. Learn more about this beneficial insect species featured in Week 9 of 2023’s Insect of the Week!
Cereal Leaf Beetle Lifecycle and Damage:
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
Similar to diamondback moth, the true armyworm, or just armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta or Pseudaletia unipunctata) is a migratory pest in Canada. After arriving from the United States, true armyworm can have two generations of larvae before cool temperatures in the fall stop their development. True armyworm caterpillars feed along leaf margins of their hosts, leaving damage that could be misdiagnosed as grasshopper or bertha armyworm damage. Preferred hosts include native grasses, wheat, rye, corn, oats, and barley. Other hosts can include crucifer vegetables (e.g., cabbage) and alfalfa.
Phermone traps have been deployed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Manitoba Agriculture and by their collaborators and volunteers in both provinces to detect the arrival of immigrating true armyworm. Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates.
The economic threshold for true armyworm larvae in cereals is 10 larvae/m2. If scouting in the evening or at night, beat plants in a 1 m2 area and count the dislodged larvae. True armyworm larvae are more likely to be on the ground during the day, so look under leaf litter and other debris around the plants in a 1 m2 area and count the larvae. For more information and tips for scouting, refer to the armyworm pages of the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page OR access Manitoba Agriculture’s scouting guide.
The cereal leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) has a broad host range. Wheat is the preferred host, but adults and larvae also feed on leaf tissue of oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Yield quality and quantity is decreased, if the flag leaf is stripped. Fortunately, the parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is an important natural enemy of cereal leaf beetle larvae. Learn more about this beneficial insect species featured in Week 9 of 2023’s Insect of the Week!
Cereal Leaf Beetle Lifecycle and Damage:
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
Similar to diamondback moth, the true armyworm, or just armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta or Pseudaletia unipunctata) is a migratory pest in Canada. After arriving from the United States, true armyworm can have two generations of larvae before cool temperatures in the fall stop their development. True armyworm caterpillars feed along leaf margins of their hosts, leaving damage that could be misdiagnosed as grasshopper or bertha armyworm damage. Preferred hosts include native grasses, wheat, rye, corn, oats, and barley. Other hosts can include crucifer vegetables (e.g., cabbage) and alfalfa.
Phermone traps have been deployed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Manitoba Agriculture and by their collaborators and volunteers in both provinces to detect the arrival of immigrating true armyworm. In Saskatchewan, true armyworm have been caught by pheromone traps in the northeast and central parts of the province. In Manitoba, true armyworm have been caught in all five regions.
The economic threshold for true armyworm larvae in cereals is 10 larvae/m2. If scouting in the evening or at night, beat plants in a 1 m2 area and count the dislodged larvae. True armyworm larvae are more likely to be on the ground during the day, so look under leaf litter and other debris around the plants in a 1 m2 area and count the larvae. For more information and tips for scouting, refer to the armyworm pages of the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page OR access Manitoba Agriculture’s scouting guide.
The cereal leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) has a broad host range. Wheat is the preferred host, but adults and larvae also feed on leaf tissue of oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Yield quality and quantity is decreased, if the flag leaf is stripped. Fun fact: Cereal leaf beetle larvae carry their own fecal waste above their body to help protect themselves from predators.
Fortunately, the parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is an important natural enemy of cereal leaf beetle larvae. Learn more about this beneficial insect species featured in Week 9 of 2023’s Insect of the Week!
Cereal Leaf Beetle Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the midvein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
Similar to diamondback moth, the true armyworm, or just armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta or Pseudaletia unipunctata) is a migratory pest in Canada. After arriving from the United States, true armyworm can have two generations of larvae before cool temperatures in the fall stop their development. True armyworm caterpillars feed along leaf margins of their hosts, leaving damage that could be misdiagnosed as grasshopper or bertha armyworm damage. Preferred hosts include native grasses, wheat, rye, corn, oats, and barley. Other hosts can include crucifer vegetables (e.g., cabbage) and alfalfa.
Phermone traps have been deployed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Manitoba Agriculture and by their collaborators and volunteers in both provinces to detect the arrival of immigrating true armyworm. In Saskatchewan, true armyworm have been caught by pheromone traps in the northeast and central parts of the province. In Manitoba, true armyworm have been caught in all five regions.
The economic threshold for true armyworm larvae in cereals is 10 larvae/m2. If scouting in the evening or at night, beat plants in a 1 m2 area and count the dislodged larvae. True armyworm larvae are more likely to be on the ground during the day, so look under leaf litter and other debris around the plants in a 1 m2 area and count the larvae. For more information and tips for scouting, refer to the armyworm pages of the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page OR access Manitoba Agriculture’s scouting guide.
The cereal leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) has a broad host range. Wheat is the preferred host, but adults and larvae also feed on leaf tissue of oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Yield quality and quantity is decreased, if the flag leaf is stripped. Fun fact: Cereal leaf beetle larvae carry their own fecal waste above their body to help protect themselves from predators.
Fortunately, the parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is an important natural enemy of cereal leaf beetle larvae. Learn more about this beneficial insect species featured in Week 9 of 2023’s Insect of the Week!
Cereal Leaf Beetle Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the midvein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
Similar to diamondback moth, the true armyworm, or just armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta or Pseudaletia unipunctata) is a migratory pest in Canada. After arriving from the United States, true armyworm can have two generations of larvae before cool temperatures in the fall stop their development. True armyworm caterpillars feed along leaf margins of their hosts, leaving damage that could be misdiagnosed as grasshopper or bertha armyworm damage. Preferred hosts include native grasses, wheat, rye, corn, oats, and barley. Other hosts can include crucifer vegetables (e.g., cabbage) and alfalfa.
Phermone traps have been deployed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Manitoba Agriculture and by their collaborators and volunteers in both provinces to detect the arrival of immigrating true armyworm. In Saskatchewan, true armyworm have been caught by pheromone traps in the northeast and central parts of the province. In Manitoba, true armyworm have been caught in the central, eastern, and Interlake regions.
The economic threshold for true armyworm larvae in cereals is 10 larvae/m2. If scouting in the evening or at night, beat plants in a 1 m2 area and count the dislodged larvae. True armyworm larvae are more likely to be on the ground during the day, so look under leaf litter and other debris around the plants in a 1 m2 area and count the larvae. For more information and tips for scouting, refer to the armyworm pages of the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page OR access Manitoba Agriculture’s scouting guide.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
Warmer conditions in southern Alberta and western Saskatchewan are predicted to result in more rapid development of cereal leaf beetle (CLB) populations in those regions than in southern Manitoba. CLB model output predicts that hatch should be nearly complete for southern Alberta and western Saskatchewan. First to third instar larvae are predicted to be present in these areas (Fig. 1). As a result of cooler conditions, the model predicts that egg development has been delayed in southern Manitoba; first instar and second instar larvae may be appearing this week (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge AB as of June 12, 2022.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Winnipeg MB as of June 512 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
Warmer conditions in southern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan are predicted to result in more rapid development of cereal leaf beetle (CLB) populations compared to southern Manitoba. CLB model output suggests that the hatch should be nearly complete for southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. First and second instar are predicted to be present in these areas (Fig. 1). As a result of cooler conditions, egg development is predicted to be delayed in southern Manitoba (Fig. 2). First instar larvae should begin to occur by the end of this week in Manitoba.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge AB as of June 5, 2022.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Brandon MB as of June 5, 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
Warmer conditions in southern Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan are expected to have resulted in more rapid development of CLB populations in those areas than in southern Manitoba. The model output suggests that CLB hatch should be occurring across southern Alberta and Saskatchewan (Figs. 1 and 2). As a result of cooler conditions, egg development is predicted to be delayed in southern Manitoba (Fig. 3). The simulation predicts that second instar larvae may occur next week in southern Alberta and then 7-10 days later across southern Manitoba.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge AB as of May 29, 2022.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Maple Creek SK as of May 29, 2022. Figure 3. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Brandon MB as of May 29, 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
Cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model output suggests that oviposition is underway across the southern prairies. The following graphs provide a comparison of development for Lethbridge, Alberta (Fig. 1) and Brandon, Manitoba (Fig. 2). Warmer conditions in southern Alberta are predicted to result in more rapid development of CLB populations than for southern Manitoba. The simulation predicts that first instar larvae may occur next week in southern Alberta and 7-10 days later across southern Manitoba.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge AB as of May 22, 2022.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Brandon MB as of May 22, 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
Cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model output suggests that overwintered adults are active and that oviposition is underway across southern regions across the southern prairies. Compared to simulations for climate normals, development is generally slower than average. The following graphs provide a comparison of development for Swift Current (Fig. 1) and Winnipeg (Fig. 2). Warmer conditions in southwestern Saskatchewan are expected to have contributed to more rapid development of CLB populations whereas cool conditions have contributed to slower development of CLB populations in southern Manitoba.
The simulation predicts that first instar larvae may occur during the third or fourth week of May.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Swift Current SK as of May 15, 2022.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Winnipeg MB as of May 15, 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Chysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) model predicts larval development using biological parameters known for the pest species and environmental data observed across the Canadian prairies on a daily basis. Review lifecycle and damage information for this pest.
As of May 8, 2022, the model output suggests that overwintered adults are active and that oviposition is underway across the southern regions of Alberta and in southwestern western Saskatchewan. Compared to simulations for climate normals, development in 2022 is generally slower than average. The graphs provide a comparison of development for Lethbridge (Fig. 1) and Swift Current (Fig. 2).
Warmer conditions in southern Alberta are predicted to result in more rapid development of CLB populations in comparison to southern Saskatchewan. The simulation indicates that first instar larvae may occur during the third week of May.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge AB as of May 8, 2022. Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Swift Current SK as of May 8, 2022.
Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.
Aphids can cause significant damage to fields and increase crop losses but low densities in a grain field sometimes have little economic impact on production. This is especially true if the aphid’s natural enemies (beneficial insects) are present in the field because they can keep the aphids under control.
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (AAFC-Saskatoon) Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
Frequent in-field scouting, supported by the app’s dynamic threshold, allows growers to weigh the above factors and the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
To learn more and to download the app (Android or iOS), go to AAFC’s CAM webpage.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) (Oulema melanopus) model predicts that larval development is progressing across the prairies. The graphs below provide a comparison of development at Saskatoon (Fig. 1) and at Lethbridge (Fig. 2). The simulation indicates that populations are mostly in the second instar with the initial occurrence of third instar stages expected to occur this week. The simulation predicts that larval development will be complete by the end of the month across central Saskatchewan.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as of June 6, 2021 (projected to June 22, 2021).Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge, Alberta as of June 6, 2021 (projected to June 22, 2021).
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model predicts that egg hatch is progressing across the prairies. The graphs provide a comparison of development at Lacombe (Fig. 1) and at Lethbridge (Fig. 2). The simulation indicates that second instar larvae will be observed over the next few days.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lacombe, Alberta as of May 30, 2021 (projected to June 15, 2021).Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) populations near Lethbridge, Alberta as of May 30, 2021 (projected to June 15, 2021).
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 3). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 3. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the midvein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 4). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 4. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model output predicts that oviposition is underway across the prairies. The graphs provide a comparison of development at Saskatoon (Fig. 1) and at Lacombe (Fig. 2). The simulation indicates that first instar larvae may occur during the third week of May near Saskatoon and one week later at Lacombe.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Saskatoon, SK as of May 16, 2021 (projected to May 31, 2021).Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lacombe, AB as of May 16, 2021 (projected to May 31, 2021).
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 3). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 3. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the midvein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 4). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 4. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Newly seeded fields should be scouted throughout the germination and emergence periods for a variety of insect pests – one of the most difficult to detect can be wireworms! Wireworms are the juvenile stages of a complex comprised of several species of Elateridae, commonly referred to as ‘Click beetles’. On the Canadian prairies, wireworm collections from field crops indicate that three economically important species of wireworms or click beetles can be present; Selatosomus destructor, Limonius californicus, and Hypnoides bicolor. According to van Herk and Vernon (2014), a wide variety of Elateridae have been described from across the Canadian prairies; Alberta 144 species described in Alberta, 108 species described from Saskatchewan, and 109 species described from Manitoba.
Review these two wireworm posts to learn more and supplement in-field scouting:
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model output suggests that overwintered adults are active and that oviposition is underway across the prairies. The graphs provide a comparison of development for Saskatoon (Fig. 1) and Winnipeg (Fig. 2). The simulation indicates that first instar larvae may occur during the third week of May.
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Saskatoon, SK as of May 9, 2021.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Winnipeg MB as of May 9, 2021.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 3). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 3. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the midvein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 4). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 4. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) model output suggests that overwintered adults are active and that oviposition is underway across the prairies. The graphs provide a comparison of development for Lethbridge (Fig. 1) and Saskatoon (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB as of May 2, 2021.Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Saskatoon SK as of May 2, 2021.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 3). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 3. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 4). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 4. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Aphids can cause significant damage to fields and increase crop losses but low densities in a grain field sometimes have little economic impact on production. This is especially true if the aphid’s natural enemies (beneficial insects) are present in the field because they can keep the aphids under control.
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (AAFC-Saskatoon) Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
Frequent in-field scouting, supported by the app’s dynamic threshold, allows growers to weigh the above factors and the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
The case of the innocuous versus the evil twin: When making pest management decisions, be sure that the suspect is actually a pest. This can be challenge since insects often mimic each other or look very similar. An insect that looks, moves and acts like a pest may in fact be a look-alike or doppelganger.
Doppelgangers may be related (e.g. same genus) or may not be related, as in the case of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and viceroys (Limenitis achrippus). Doppelgangers are usually relatively harmless but sometimes the doppelganger is a pest yet their behaviour, lifecycle or hosts may be different.
Correctly identifying a pest enables selection of the most accurate scouting or monitoring protocol. Identification and monitoring enables the application of economic thresholds. It also enables a producer to select and apply the most effective control option(s) including method and timing of application. For the rest of the growing season, the Insect of the Week will feature insect crop pests and their doppelgangers.
The case of the cereal leaf beetle versus Collops beetles:
Cereal leaf beetle, Boris Loboda
Cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus), both adults and larva, feed on leaves (oat, barley, wheat, corn, etc), but it is the larval damage that can reduce yield and quality, especially if the flag leaf is stripped. Adults are 6-8 millimeters (.25-.31 inches) long with reddish legs and thorax (middle section between head and abdomen) and metallic bluish-black head and elytra (wing coverings).
Collops beetle, cc-by-nd-nc 1.0 Ashley Bradford
They may be confused with beneficial beetles belonging to the Collops genus (adults feed on aphids, stink bug eggs, moth eggs, small caterpillars, spider mites, whiteflies). Roughly the same size, they may have a red or orange thorax with/without red markings on their elytra, depending on the species. One consistent feature that will help distinguish between the two species is that the cereal leaf beetle elytra are smooth and shiny whereas the Collops’ elytra are covered in hairs.
Reminder and Congratulations! The Cereal Aphid Management (CAM) Mobile Application Team was recognized with an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Gold Harvest Award this month! Team members included Ashraf Eid, Paul Faure, John Gavloski, François Jodoin, Elham Karimi, Eric Li, Jackson Macdonald, Nancy MacDonald, Owen Olfert, Chrystel Y. Olivier, Daniel Shen, Erl Svendsen, Gabriel Tobian, Tyler J. Wist.
“The app is a culmination of innovative thinking, extensive research, and most importantly collaboration in order to design a tool that met the needs of the farming community. The team’s ability to work together and build this application will result in economic savings, a greener environment, and increased crop quality in the food production industry.”
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (AAFC-Saskatoon) innovative Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
By taking into consideration factors like these, the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
Note: Cereal aphids can blow up from the South at any time which cannot be predicted by the app. Therefore, farmers and crop advisors should regularly check fields during the growing season regardless of what Cereal Aphid Manager Mobile may recommend.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The cereal leaf beetle model indicates hatch has begun (Fig. 1). Models were projected to June 21, 2019 and run for Lethbridge AB (Fig. 2), Grande Prairie AB (Fig. 3), and Brandon MB (Fig. 4).
Figure 1. Percent of populations of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) in the larval stage as of June 3, 2019, across the Canadian prairies. Figure 2. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB projected to June 21, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 3. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Grande Prairie AB projected to June 21, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 4. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Brandon MB projected to June 21, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 5). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 5. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 6). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 6. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Congratulations! The Cereal Aphid Management (CAM) Mobile Application Team was recognized with an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Gold Harvest Award this month! Team members included Ashraf Eid, Paul Faure, John Gavloski, François Jodoin, Elham Karimi, Eric Li, Jackson Macdonald, Nancy MacDonald, Owen Olfert, Chrystel Y. Olivier,
Daniel Shen, Erl Svendsen, Gabriel Tobian, Tyler J. Wist.
“The app is a culmination of innovative thinking, extensive research, and most importantly collaboration in order to design a tool that met the needs of the farming community. The team’s ability to work together and build this application will result in economic savings, a greener environment, and increased crop quality in the food production industry.”
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (AAFC-Saskatoon) innovative Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
By taking into consideration factors like these, the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
Note: Cereal aphids can blow up from the South at any time which cannot be predicted by the app. Therefore, farmers and crop advisors should regularly check fields during the growing season regardless of what Cereal Aphid Manager Mobile may recommend.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The CLB model was run for Brandon MB (Fig. 1), Lethbridge AB (Fig. 2), Grande Prairie AB (Fig. 3) and projected to June 15, 2019. The cereal leaf beetle model indicates that eggs may begin to hatch later next week in Brandon (Fig. 1) and Lethbridge (Fig. 3). Hatch is predicted to be 4-7 days later in the Peace River region (Fig. 3).
Figure 1. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB to June 15, 2019,generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 2. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Brandon MB to June 15, 2019,generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 3. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Grande Prairie AB to June 15, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The CLB model was run for Lethbridge AB (Fig. 1), Brandon MB (Fig. 2), and Grande Prairie AB (Fig. 3) and projected to June 15, 2019. The cereal leaf beetle model indicates that eggs may begin to hatch later next week in Lethbridge (Fig. 1) and Brandon (Fig. 2). Hatch is predicted to be 4-7 days later in the Peace River region (Fig. 3).
Figure 1. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB to June 15, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 2. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Brandon MB to June 15, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures. Figure 3. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Grande Prairie AB to June 15, 2019, generated using long term average temperatures.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The CLB model was run for Lethbridge AB and projected to June 15, 2019 (Fig. 1). The cereal leaf beetle model indicates that eggs may begin to hatch later next week Lethbridge.
Figure 1. Projected predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB to June 15, 2019 generated using long term average temperatures.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The cereal leaf beetle model indicates that oviposition is well underway in Lethbridge AB as of May 7, 2019 (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Predicted status of cereal leaf beetle populations near Lethbridge AB as of April 30, 2019
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output indicates that CLB adults have begun to oviposit eggs near Lethbridge AB (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Predicted CLB adults near Lethbridge AB as of April 30, 2019.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – By this point in the season, pupae and newly emerged adults will be present in fields.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They will emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Reminder – Aphids can cause significant damage to fields and increase crop losses, but just because aphids are present in a grain field doesn’t mean they will have a negative economic impact on production. This is especially true if there are aphid’s natural enemies (beneficial insects) in the field to keep them under control.
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (AAFC-Saskatoon) innovative Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
By taking into consideration factors like these, the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
Note: Cereal aphids can blow up from the South at any time which cannot be predicted by the app. Therefore, farmers and crop advisors should regularly check fields during the growing season regardless of what Cereal Aphid Manager Mobile may recommend.
The insect of the week is the Bruner grasshopper (Melanoplus bruneri). Observed since the 1920s in Canada, this species is a relatively recent addition to the list of grasshopper pest species occurring in crop production areas. Previously, it was not considered a crop pest.
It is a medium-sized grasshopper (males 18-22 mm; females 22-27 mm) with dark and often reddish colour tones. It is similar in appearance and size to the migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) but is distinguished by differences in the male genitalia. The Bruner grasshopper has recently become the predominant grasshopper species in many northern crop production areas of Alberta and parts of Saskatchewan. It occupies a wide geographic range and is found throughout much of Canada and the United States.
The Bruner grasshopper feeds mainly on broadleaf host plants but the species can feed upon several species of grasses. It has been observed in high numbers feeding in pulse crops, canola, and cereals.
Researchers are investigating if this species follows a two-year life cycle (i.e. do eggs require exposure to two winters before hatching?) in the Peace River region and parts of central Alberta.
Reminder – Researchers need your help – They are looking for LIVE cereal leaf beetle larvae from any field across the Canadian prairies in order to assess Tetrastichus julis parasitism rates.
If larvae are encountered in 2018, please carefully collect 20-30 of them and put them with some cereal leaves and a moist paper towel in a hard container (e.g. plastic yogurt container) with holes poked in the lid for air. Pack the parcel with ice packs, label with your name, date, crop type, and location, and send them to us. Email or phone us for information on how to ship for free.
What’s in it for you? Learn if cereal leaf beetle is being controlled by natural enemies in your field. If you need T. julis, we may be able provide you with some.
Researchers need your help – They are looking for LIVE cereal leaf beetle larvae from any field across the Canadian prairies in order to assess Tetrastichus julis parasitism rates.
If larvae are encountered in 2018, please carefully collect 20-30 of them and put them with some cereal leaves and a moist paper towel in a hard container (e.g. plastic yogurt container) with holes poked in the lid for air. Pack the parcel with ice packs, label with your name, date, crop type, and location, and send them to us. Email or phone us for information on how to ship for free.
What’s in it for you? Learn if cereal leaf beetle is being controlled by natural enemies in your field. If you need T. julis, we may be able provide you with some.
Reminder – Last week turned out to be our wireworm blitz! This complicated group of insect species was featured in the Insect of the Week AND we include the survey results again this week!
The following maps summarize the main results of a survey of pest species of wireworms of the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Samples (both larvae and beetles) were submitted to Dr. Bob Vernon’s lab in Agassiz, BC, from 2004 to 2017, and identified by Dr. Wim van Herk (Fig. 1). Species identifications were confirmed with barcoding.
Figure 1. Sampling locations for click beetles and wireworm larvae (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.
Approximately 600 samples were submitted, with the number of larvae per sample typically less than five (Fig. 1). More samples are welcome, particularly from areas currently not well represented on the maps.Please provide either the legal land description or latitude and longitude coordinates with a sample. Any information on the cropping history or whether fields were irrigated is helpful.
Review the complete survey summary posted in Week 05 (for Jun 7, 2018).
Disclaimer: Please do not distribute or use the contents of this post, including any maps, without obtaining prior permission.
Obtain further information or arrange shipment of wireworm or click beetle samples by contacting: Dr. Wim van Herk Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agassiz Research and Development Centre 6947 Highway 7, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0
This week’s Insect of the Week is a frustrating pest of many crops: wireworm. Wireworms are the soil-dwelling larval stage of the click beetles (Elateridae). There are hundreds of click beetle species in the prairies, but the term wireworm refers to those that are pests, which in Canada is approximately 20 species. With the loss of effective insecticides (e.g. lindane), wireworms have re-emerged in recent years as primary pests of potato, cereals, and vegetables. On the prairies, we have 3 predominant pest species (Selatosomus destructor, Limonius californicus, and Hypnoidus bicolor; see photo), and their larvae vary (among other things) in life history (2-7 years), color (white to orange), cuticle thickness, distribution, behaviour, and susceptibility to insecticides.
Wireworms are patchy in distribution, difficult to monitor, and difficult to kill. We have a lot to learn about these resilient pests. Since the mid-1990’s AAFC has had a national research team (Bob Vernon et al.) screening for effective insecticides and developing trapping and monitoring methods, cultural controls (e.g., crop rotation), and biocontrols to manage the adult and larval forms of these pests.
For more information about wireworms, check out our Insect of the Week page!
The three most troublesome wireworm species on the prairies in their adult and larval stages. Note the different sizes and colours. From left to right, S. destructor, L. californicus, H. bicolor. Photo by David Shack, AAFC-Lethbridge.
The following maps summarize the main results of a survey of pest species of wireworms of the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Samples (both larvae and beetles) were submitted to Dr. Bob Vernon’s lab in Agassiz, BC, from 2004 to 2017, and identified by Dr. Wim van Herk (Fig. 1). Species identifications were confirmed with barcoding.
Figure 1. Sampling locations for click beetles and wireworm larvae (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.
Approximately 600 samples were submitted, with the number of larvae per sample typically less than five (Fig. 1). More samples are welcome, particularly from areas currently not well represented on the maps.Please provide either the legal land description or latitude and longitude coordinates with a sample. Any information on the cropping history or whether fields were irrigated is helpful.
The main findings of this survey are that: 1. Wireworms are re-emerging as primary pests of cereals and other crops, particularly in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. This can be attributed to several factors, including changes in seeding and cultivation resulting in higher soil moisture and increased food availability, and therefore greater wireworm survival; the elimination of effective insecticides such as lindane and the decline of organochlorine residues in the soil; and the present lack of insecticides that actually kill wireworms.
2. Limonius californicus is generally the predominant pest species in fields reporting heavy wireworm damage, occasionally building up to very high populations and resulting in complete crop wrecks (Fig. 2). This was not the case when Glen et al. (1943) or Doane (1977) conducted their surveys; L. californicus was considered a minor species at those times. Selatosomus destructor (Fig. 3) and Hypnoidus bicolor (Fig. 4) are still the most common species. The pest status of another commonly found species, the predaceous Aeolus mellillus (Fig. 5), is unclear. The following species listed by Glen et al. (1943) as pests of agriculture in the Prairie Provinces were found also, but infrequently: Agriotes mancus, A. criddlei, A. stabilis, Hemicrepidius memnonius, L. pectoralis, and various Dalopius sp.
Figure 2. Distribution of Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.Figure 3. Distribution of Selatosomus destructor (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.Figure 4. Distribution of Hypniodes bicolor (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.Figure 5. Distribution of Aeolus mellillus (Coleoptera: Elateridae) submitted for wireworm surveying from 2004-2017.
3. Multiple pest species are frequently found in the same fields where damage is reported (i.e. about 25% of the time, despite the small number of larvae per sample). This is particularly important as pest species can vary considerably in the type of damage they cause (e.g. it remains unclear if H. bicolor is damaging to potato), their life history (e.g. duration of the larval stage), and susceptibility to insecticides.
Acknowledgements: These maps are only possible thanks to the collections done by a large team of local entomologists and agrologists. We are extremely grateful to them; thank you to everyone who participated! A special thank you to Ted Labun and colleagues at Syngenta Crop Protection (Canada), and to Bayer CropScience, for providing the bulk of the samples.
Disclaimer: Please do not distribute or use the contents of this post, including any maps, without obtaining prior permission.
Obtain further information or arrange shipment of wireworm or click beetle samples by contacting: Dr. Wim van Herk Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agassiz Research and Development Centre 6947 Highway 7, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0
Further wireworm reading: Burrage RH (1964) Trends in damage by wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in grain crops in Saskatchewan, 1954–1961. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 44: 515–519.
Doane JF (1977) Spatial pattern and density of Ctenicera destructor and Hypolithus bicolor (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in soil in spring wheat. The Canadian Entomologist 109: 807–822.
Doane JF (1977) The flat wireworm, Aeolus mellillus: studies on seasonal occurrence of adults and incidence of the larvae in the wireworm complex attacking wheat in Saskatchewan. Environmental Entomology 6: 818–822.
Glen R, King KM, Arnason AP (1943) The identification of wireworms of economic importance in Canada. Canadian Journal of Research 21: 358-387.
van Herk WG, Vernon RS (2014) Click beetles and wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. In: Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands (Volume 4): Biodiversity and Systematics Part 2. (Edited by D.J. Giberson and H.A. Carcamo). Biological Survey of Canada, pp. 87-117.
Zacharuk RY (1962) Distribution, habits, and development of Ctenicera destructor (Brown) in western Canada, with notes on the related species C. aeripennis (Kby.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 40: 539–552.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output indicates that CLB are primarily in the larval stage (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Percent of cereal leaf beetle population that is in the larval stage, based on model simulations, for April 1-June 4, 2018.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output indicates that CLB are primarily in the larval stage (example Lethbridge – Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Predicted cereal leaf beetle phenology at Lethbridge AB.
Values are based on model simulations (April 1-May 28, 2018 and projected to June 21, 2018).
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output predicts that CLB larvae should be appearing at many locations across the southern prairies. An example of CLB predicted phenology for Lethbridge AB is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Predicted CLB phenology at Lethbridge. Values are based on model
simulations, for April 1 – May 21, 2018 (projected to June 21, 2018).
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output indicates that CLB oviposition has begun in many locations, and that larvae may begin to appear in the next 7-10 days. As of May 13th, CLB model runs indicated that oviposition was similar Lethbridge, Swift Current, Saskatoon and Brandon (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Predicted cereal leaf beetle (O. melanupus) oviposition at four prairie locations. Values represent
predicted values based on 2018 weather and for model predictions based on long term average
weather (model simulations for April 1-May 13, 2018).
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
It’s spring, so it’s cutworm season. This week’s insect is the darksided cutworm. Mature larvae are hairless, greyish with a prominent white stripe on either side just above their legs. It is a climbing cutworm with feeding occurring at night. They have a broad host range including cereals, canola, corn, flax, sunflower, vegetables berry and tree fruits.
Find out more about the darksided cutworm at the Insect of the Week page. Other important species include dingy, army, redbacked and pale western cutworms (See Insect of the Week: 2017 – May 1, 8, 15 and 29).
Darksided cutworm
Photocredit John Gavloski, Manitoba Ministry of Agriculture
In addition, Cutworm Pests of Crops on the Canadian Prairies – Identification and Management Field Guide was recently published (2017). This new handy manual has chapters on general biology, history of outbreaks, scouting techniques, natural enemies and general control options. The meat of the manual is descriptions of 24 cutworm species, their lifecycle, hosts, damage, monitoring and economic thresholds. To download a copy, go to the Cutworm Field Guide page.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Model output indicates that CLB oviposition has begun in many locations. As of May 6th, CLB model runs indicated that cool temperatures have delayed oviposition (compared to long term average) in Lethbridge, but more advanced in Swift Current, Brandon and Saskatoon (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Predicted CLB oviposition at four prairie locations. Values are based on model simulations, for April 1 – May 6, 2018.
Lifecycle and Damage:
Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Aphids can cause significant damage to fields and increase crop losses, but just because aphids are present in a grain field doesn’t mean they will have a negative economic impact on production. This is especially true if there are aphid’s natural enemies (beneficial insects) in the field to keep them under control.
The Cereal Aphid Manager is an easy-to-use mobile app that helps farmers and crop advisors control aphid populations in wheat, barley, oat or rye. It is based on Dr. Tyler Wist’s (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Field Crop Entomologist) innovative Dynamic Action Threshold model. The model treats the grain field as an ecosystem and takes into account many complex biological interactions including:
the number of aphids observed and how quickly they reproduce
the number of different natural enemies of aphids in the field and how many aphids they eat or parasitize per day
the lifecycles of aphids and their enemies taking into account developmental stages, egg laying behaviour, population growth rate, lifespan, etc.
By taking into consideration factors like these, the app predicts what the aphid population will be in seven days and the best time to apply insecticide based on economic thresholds.
Note: Cereal aphids can blow up from the South at any time which cannot be predicted by the app. Therefore, farmers and crop advisors should regularly check fields during the growing season regardless of what Cereal Aphid Manager Mobile may recommend.
The Wheat Stem Maggot, Meromyza americana (Diptera) isa minorpest that causes eye-catching damage in wheat, rye, barley, oat, millet, timothy, brome, crested wheatgrass and bluegrass. This is a timely insect of the week, because the larval damage (dead white heads in an otherwise green field) started to appear in the last few weeks and is now highly visible in many fields.
Your eyes are naturally drawn to these white heads and can cause you to overestimate the actual amount of damage to your fields. However, the damage is usually limited to 1-5% of the crop. To identify if the wheat stem maggot is the culprit, gently pull on the white head to see if it easily separates from the flag leaf sheath and shows evidence of feeding damage at the base of the culm.
By the time you see damage, the greenish-white larva has exited and is off to begin a second generation that will overwinter in volunteer cereals. There are no registered chemicals or resistant varieties so your best management practices are rotate to non-cereals/non-grassses, destroy infested stubble, and control volunteer hosts and grassy weeds. Delayed seeding, where/when possible may also limit damage.
For more information on the Wheat Stem Maggot, see our Insect of the Week page.
This week’s Insect of the Week is the cereal leaf beetle. Wheat is their preferred host, but they also feed on oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Adults and larvae feed on the leaf tissue of host plants. Yield quality and quantity is decreased if the flag leaf is stripped. It is also interesting to note that larvae carry all of their own fecal waste with them as protection from predators.
For more information on the cereal leaf beetle, see our Insect of the Week page.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As of June 5, 2017, model output indicates that oviposition should be nearly complete and larval populations should peak across the southern prairies.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As of May 29, 2017, the CLB model indicates that larvae should be present across the southern prairies (Fig. 1). Compared to Lethbridge AB, populations near Brandon MB are predicted to be delayed by approximately five days. At Lethbridge, the hatch should be almost complete, while hatch should be approximately 50% complete near Brandon.
Figure 1. Predicted percent of Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) in larval stage
across the Canadian prairies as of May 29, 2017.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As of May 22, 2017, the CLB model indicates that oviposition is well underway across the southern prairies. Compared to southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, populations in southern Manitoba are predicted to be delayed by approximately five days (Fig. 1). Compared to 2016, development in 2017 is approximately 1 week later. Hatch is predicted to occur in isolated areas.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 3). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 3. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As of May 15, 2017, the CLB model predicts that oviposition should be underway in the Lethbridge, Swift Current and Brandon areas. Compared to southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, populations in southern Manitoba are predicted to be delayed by approximately a week.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As
of May 8, 2017, CLB model output predicted that oviposition is underway in populations
that may be present in the Lethbridge, Swift Current and Brandon areas. Compared
to 2016, phenological development in 2017 is approximately 1 week later.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – As of May 1, 2017, the CLB model indicates that oviposition has begun in the Lethbridge and Swift Current areas.
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching. Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Reminder – Cereal leaf beetle larvae hatch from eggs in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Give priority to following factors when selecting monitoring sites:
□ Choose fields and sections of the fields with past or present damage symptoms.
□ Choose fields that are well irrigated (leaves are dark green in color), including young, lush crops. Areas of a field that are under stress and not as lush (yellow) are less likely to support CLB.
□ Monitor fields located along riparian corridors, roads and railroads.
□ Survey field areas that are close to brush cover or weeds, easy to access, or are nearby sheltered areas such as hedge rows, forest edges, fence lines, etc.
Focus your site selection on the following host plant priorities:
□ First – winter wheat. If no winter wheat is present then;
□ Second – other cereal crops (barley, wheat, oats, and rye). If no cereal crops are present then;
□ Third – hay crops. If no hay crops or cereal crops are present then;
□ Fourth – ditches and water corridors
Sweep-net Sampling for Adults and Larvae:
● A sweep is defined as a one pass (from left to right, executing a full 180 degrees) through the upper foliage of the crop using a 37.5 cm diameter sweep-net.
● A sample is defined as 100 sweeps taken at a moderate walking pace collected 4-5 meters inside the border of a field.
● At each site, four samples should be collected, totaling 400 sweeps per site. The contents of each sample should be visually inspected for life stages of CLB and all suspect specimens should be retained for identification.
● Because the CLB larvae are covered in a sticky secretion, they are often covered in debris and are very difficult to see within a sweep-net sample.
● To help determine the presence of CLB, place the contents of the sweep net into a large plastic bag for observation.
Visual Inspection:
Both the adults and larvae severely damage plants by chewing out long strips of tissue between the veins of leaves (Fig. 1), leaving only a thin membrane. When damage is extensive, leaves turn whitish.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Reminder – Cereal leaf beetle larvae hatch from eggs in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Give priority to following factors when selecting monitoring sites:
□ Choose fields and sections of the fields with past or present damage symptoms.
□ Choose fields that are well irrigated (leaves are dark green in color), including young, lush crops. Areas of a field that are under stress and not as lush (yellow) are less likely to support CLB.
□ Monitor fields located along riparian corridors, roads and railroads.
□ Survey field areas that are close to brush cover or weeds, easy to access, or are nearby sheltered areas such as hedge rows, forest edges, fence lines, etc.
Focus your site selection on the following host plant priorities:
□ First – winter wheat. If no winter wheat is present then;
□ Second – other cereal crops (barley, wheat, oats, and rye). If no cereal crops are present then;
□ Third – hay crops. If no hay crops or cereal crops are present then;
□ Fourth – ditches and water corridors
Sweep-net Sampling for Adults and Larvae:
● A sweep is defined as a one pass (from left to right, executing a full 180 degrees) through the upper foliage of the crop using a 37.5 cm diameter sweep-net.
● A sample is defined as 100 sweeps taken at a moderate walking pace collected 4-5 meters inside the border of a field.
● At each site, four samples should be collected, totaling 400 sweeps per site. The contents of each sample should be visually inspected for life stages of CLB and all suspect specimens should be retained for identification.
● Because the CLB larvae are covered in a sticky secretion, they are often covered in debris and are very difficult to see within a sweep-net sample.
● To help determine the presence of CLB, place the contents of the sweep net into a large plastic bag for observation.
Visual Inspection:
Both the adults and larvae severely damage plants by chewing out long strips of tissue between the veins of leaves (Fig. 1), leaving only a thin membrane. When damage is extensive, leaves turn whitish.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – Reminder – Please refer to earlier posts for information
related to the biology, damage and monitoring of the Cereal leaf beetle.
Cereal leaf beetle larvae hatch from eggs in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Give priority to following factors when selecting monitoring sites:
□ Choose fields and sections of the fields with past or present damage symptoms.
□ Choose fields that are well irrigated (leaves are dark green in color), including young, lush crops. Areas of a field that are under stress and not as lush (yellow) are less likely to support CLB.
□ Monitor fields located along riparian corridors, roads and railroads.
□ Survey field areas that are close to brush cover or weeds, easy to access, or are nearby sheltered areas such as hedge rows, forest edges, fence lines, etc.
Focus your site selection on the following host plant priorities:
□ First – winter wheat. If no winter wheat is present then;
□ Second – other cereal crops (barley, wheat, oats, and rye). If no cereal crops are present then;
□ Third – hay crops. If no hay crops or cereal crops are present then;
□ Fourth – ditches and water corridors
Sweep-net Sampling for Adults and Larvae:
● A sweep is defined as a one pass (from left to right, executing a full 180 degrees) through the upper foliage of the crop using a 37.5 cm diameter sweep-net.
● A sample is defined as 100 sweeps taken at a moderate walking pace collected 4-5 meters inside the border of a field.
● At each site, four samples should be collected, totaling 400 sweeps per site. The contents of each sample should be visually inspected for life stages of CLB and all suspect specimens should be retained for identification.
● Because the CLB larvae are covered in a sticky secretion, they are often covered in debris and are very difficult to see within a sweep-net sample.
● To help determine the presence of CLB, place the contents of the sweep net into a large plastic bag for observation.
Visual Inspection:
Both the adults and larvae severely damage plants by chewing out long strips of tissue between the veins of leaves (Fig. 1), leaving only a thin membrane. When damage is extensive, leaves turn whitish.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Recall the following (posted May 25, 2016) – Predicted dates of peak emergence of CLB eggs and larvae:
Cereal leaf beetle larvae hatch from eggs in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Figure 1. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Give priority to following factors when selecting monitoring sites:
□ Choose fields and sections of the fields with past or present damage symptoms.
□ Choose fields that are well irrigated (leaves are dark green in color), including young, lush crops. Areas of a field that are under stress and not as lush (yellow) are less likely to support CLB.
□ Monitor fields located along riparian corridors, roads and railroads.
□ Survey field areas that are close to brush cover or weeds, easy to access, or are nearby sheltered areas such as hedge rows, forest edges, fence lines, etc.
Focus your site selection on the following host plant priorities:
□ First – winter wheat. If no winter wheat is present then;
□ Second – other cereal crops (barley, wheat, oats, and rye). If no cereal crops are present then;
□ Third – hay crops. If no hay crops or cereal crops are present then;
□ Fourth – ditches and water corridors
Sweep-net Sampling for Adults and Larvae:
● A sweep is defined as a one pass (from left to right, executing a full 180 degrees) through the upper foliage of the crop using a 37.5 cm diameter sweep-net.
● A sample is defined as 100 sweeps taken at a moderate walking pace collected 4-5 meters inside the border of a field.
● At each site, four samples should be collected, totaling 400 sweeps per site. The contents of each sample should be visually inspected for life stages of CLB and all suspect specimens should be retained for identification.
● Because the CLB larvae are covered in a sticky secretion, they are often covered in debris and are very difficult to see within a sweep-net sample.
● To help determine the presence of CLB, place the contents of the sweep net into a large plastic bag for observation.
Visual Inspection:
Both the adults and larvae severely damage plants by chewing out long strips of tissue between the veins of leaves (Fig. 1), leaving only a thin membrane. When damage is extensive, leaves turn whitish.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Recall the following (posted May 25, 2016) – Predicted dates of peak emergence of CLB eggs and larvae:
Lifecycle and Damage: Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing-covers (Fig. 1). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than the males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelter belts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperature reaches 10-15 ºC and are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.
Figure 1. Adult Oulema melanopus (~4.4-5.5 mm long).
Egg: Eggs are laid approximately 14 days following the emergence of the adults. Eggs are laid singly or in pairs along the mid vein on the upper side of the leaf and are cylindrical, measuring 0.9 mm by 0.4 mm, and yellowish in colour. Eggs darken to black just before hatching.
Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 2). When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil.
Figure 2. Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf.
Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.
Give priority to following factors when selecting monitoring sites:
□ Choose fields and sections of the fields with past or present damage symptoms.
□ Choose fields that are well irrigated (leaves are dark green in color), including young, lush crops. Areas of a field that are under stress and not as lush (yellow) are less likely to support CLB.
□ Monitor fields located along riparian corridors, roads and railroads.
□ Survey field areas that are close to brush cover or weeds, easy to access, or are nearby sheltered areas such as hedge rows, forest edges, fence lines, etc.
Focus your site selection on the following host plant priorities:
□ First – winter wheat. If no winter wheat is present then;
□ Second – other cereal crops (barley, wheat, oats, and rye). If no cereal crops are present then;
□ Third – hay crops. If no hay crops or cereal crops are present then;
□ Fourth – ditches and water corridors
Sweep-net Sampling for Adults and Larvae:
● A sweep is defined as a one pass (from left to right, executing a full 180 degrees) through the upper foliage of the crop using a 37.5 cm diameter sweep-net.
● A sample is defined as 100 sweeps taken at a moderate walking pace collected 4-5 meters inside the border of a field.
● At each site, four samples should be collected, totaling 400 sweeps per site. The contents of each sample should be visually inspected for life stages of CLB and all suspect specimens should be retained for identification.
● Because the CLB larvae are covered in a sticky secretion, they are often covered in debris and are very difficult to see within a sweep-net sample.
● To help determine the presence of CLB, place the contents of the sweep net into a large plastic bag for observation.
Visual Inspection:
Both the adults and larvae severely damage plants by chewing out long strips of tissue between the veins of leaves (Fig. 2), leaving only a thin membrane. When damage is extensive, leaves turn whitish.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.
Tetrastichus julis (parasitoid) Last year, the focus of the Insect of the Week was crop pests. This year, we’re changing things up and highlighting the many natural enemies that help you out, silently and efficiently killing off crop pests. [note: featured Insects of the Week in 2015 are available on the Insect of the Week page] This week’s Insect of the Week is Tetrastichus julis (sorry, no common name), an important cereal leaf beetle parasitoid. Where T. julis has become established, it can reduce cereal leaf beetle populations by 40 – 90%, preventing yield loss without using pesticides. See also the factsheet, BiologicalControl at its Best, Using theT. julis Wasp toControl the Cereal Leaf Beetle (French version).
For information about the cereal leaf beetle (p. 24) and other pests and their natural enemies, see the new Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada – Identification and Management Field Guide for identification, life cycle and conservation options (download links for field guide available on the Insect of the Week page).
T. julis adult parasitizing a cereal leaf beetle larva
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) – The following are results from the bioclimate model which predicts cereal leaf beetle (CLB) populations.
As of May 23, 2016, the CLB model indicated that oviposition is well underway:
In Alberta and western Saskatchewan, development was similar to the previous week.
Warmer conditions in eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba resulted in faster development.
Larval populations are predicted to peak in mid-June across most locations in the southern prairies.
Predicted dates of peak emergence of CLB eggs and larvae:
The following model outputs have been updated this week and reflect the predicted stages of CLB present in fields in relation to its parasitoid, Tetrastichus julis.
Fact sheets for CLB are published by the province of Alberta and available from the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also access the Oulema melanopus page from the new “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide”.