Released July 12, 2024

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

Welcome to Week 10 for the 2024 growing season! This week includes:
• Weather synopsis
• Wheat midge
• Grasshopper
• Diamondback moth
• Cabbage seedpod weevil
• Alfalfa weevil
• Bertha armyworm
• Cereal leaf beetle
• True armyworm
• European skipper
• Monarch migration
• Provincial insect pest report links
• Crop report links
• Previous posts

Catch Monday’s Insect of the Week for Week 10 – What’s eating my crop? Cabbage seedpod weevil

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Weather synopsis

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

A full weather summary is not available this week.

Growing degree day (GDD) maps for the Canadian prairies for Base 5 ºC and Base 10 ºC (April 1-July 8, 2024) can be viewed by clicking the hyperlinks. Over the past 7 days (to July 10, 2024), the lowest temperatures recorded across the Canadian prairies ranged from -5 to 13 °C while the highest temperatures observed ranged from 4 to 33 °C. In terms of precipitation across the Canadian prairies, review the growing season accumulated precipitation (April 1-July 10, 2024), the growing season percent of average precipitation (April 1-July 10, 2024), and the past 7 days (as of July 10, 2024). Access these maps and more using the AAFC Maps of Historic Agroclimate Conditions interface.

Growers can bookmark the AAFC Maps of Current Agroclimate Conditions for the growing season. Historical weather data can be accessed at the AAFC Drought Watch Historical website, Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Historical Data website, or your provincial weather network. The AAFC Canadian Drought Monitor also provides geospatial maps updated monthly.


Wheat midge

Jennifer Otani and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Although the PPMN is unable to model and predict wheat midge development as in previous years, accumulated precipitation levels during May and June provide guidance in terms of in-field scouting. Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates for this economic insect pest.

Important the accumulated precipitation levels over past 60 days (May 5 to July 3, 2024) were mapped in Figure 1 and ranged from 60 to >250 mm across the prairies, well beyond the 45 mm threshold that facilitates larvae to exit their cocoons to pupate in the soil then emerge. Areas in Figure 1 receiving substantial rainfall this spring need to plan to scout for wheat midge now as adults typically emerge and seek wheat in early July.

Figure 1. 60 day cumulative rainfall (mm) observed across the Canadian prairies for the period of May 5 -July 3, 2024.

Remember – the rate of development and timing of adult midge emergence varies at the field level and can only be verified through in-field scouting. Midge flight coinciding with the beginning of anthesis is a crucial point when in-field counts of wheat midge on plants are carefully compared to the economic thresholds.

Producers opting to grow cultivars susceptible to wheat midge need to be mindful that any historically elevated density of wheat midge occurring over the past one or even possibly six years across the prairies that also has received substantial rainfall since May of 2024, warrants in-field monitoring now. Review the past wheat midge maps here in relation to your fields THEN compare the historical densities to areas of high precipitation in Figure 1.

In-Field Monitoring: When scouting wheat fields, pay attention to the synchrony between flying midge and anthesis.  In-field monitoring for wheat midge should be carried out in the evening (preferably after 8:30 pm or later) when the female midges are most active. On warm (at least 15 ºC), calm evenings, the midge can be observed in the field, laying their eggs on the wheat heads (Fig. 3). Midge populations can be estimated by counting the number of adults present on 4 or 5 wheat heads. Inspect the field daily in at least 3 or 4 locations during the evening.

Figure 3. Wheat midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana) laying their eggs on a wheat head. Photo: AAFC-Beav-S. Dufton and A. Jorgensen.
Figure 4. Macroglenes penetrans, a parasitoid wasp that attacks wheat midge, measures only ~2 mm long.  Photo: AAFC-Beav-S. Dufton.

REMEMBER that in-field counts of wheat midge per head remain the basis of the economic threshold decision.  Also remember that the parasitoid, Macroglenes penetrans (Fig. 4), is actively searching for wheat midge at the same time.  Preserve this parasitoid whenever possible and remember insecticide control options for wheat midge also kill these beneficial insects who help reduce midge populations.

Economic Thresholds for Wheat Midge:
a) To maintain optimum No. 1 grade: 1 adult midge per 8 to 10 wheat heads during the susceptible stage.
b) To maintain yield only: 1 adult midge per 4 to 5 heads. At this level of infestation, wheat yields will be reduced by approximately 15% if the midge is not controlled.
Inspect the developing kernels for the presence of larvae and larval damage.

Albertans… please refer to this week’s Provincial Insect Pest Report Links to link to count reports of wheat midge for 2024.

Wheat midge was featured as the Insect of the Week in 2023 (for Wk08). Be sure to also review wheat midge and its doppelganger, the lauxanid fly, featured as the Insect of the Week in 2019 (for Wk11) – find descriptions and photos to help with in-field scouting!  Additionally, the differences between midges and parasitoid wasps were featured as the Insect of the Week in 2019 (for Wk12).  Remember – not all flying insects are mosquitoes nor are they pests! Many are important parasitoid wasps that regulate insect pest species in our field crops OR pollinators that perform valuable ecosystem services!

Information related to wheat midge biology and monitoring can be accessed by linking to your provincial fact sheet (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture or Alberta Agriculture & Irrigation).  Alberta Agriculture & Irrigation has a YouTube video describing in-field monitoring for wheat midge.  

Additional information can be accessed by reviewing the Wheat midge pages extracted from the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and Field Guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.



Jennifer Otani, James Tansey and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Grasshopper Scouting Tips:
Review grasshopper diversity and photos of nymphs, adults, and non-grasshopper species to aid in-field scouting from egg hatch and onwards.
● It is best to scout on warm days when grasshopper nymphs are more active and easier to observe.
● Carefully check roadside ditches and along field edges but also check the edge of the crop and into the actual field.
● Younger or earlier instar nymphs are easier to manage – visit sites every few days to stay on top of local field conditions.
● A sweep-net can ‘detect’ grasshopper nymphs, however, economic thresholds for grasshoppers are based on the number of grasshoppers per square-metre counts.
● Access the PPMN’s Grasshopper Monitoring Protocol as a guide to help implement in-field monitoring.
● Review grasshopper lifecycle, damage and scouting and economic thresholds to support sound management decisions enabling the preservation of beneficial arthropods and mitigation of economic losses.

Important – A preliminary summary of available thresholds for grasshoppers has been kindly shared by Dr. J. Tansey (Saskatchewan Agriculture) in Table 1. When scouting, compare in-field counts to the available threshold value for the appropriate host crop AND for field or ditch situations. Available thresholds (nominal and economic) help support producers while protecting beneficials (i.e., predators, parasitoids, and pathogens) that regulate natural populations of grasshoppers.

Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates for this economic insect pest.

Biological and monitoring information (including tips for scouting and economic thresholds) related to grasshoppers in field crops is posted by Manitoba AgricultureSaskatchewan Ministry of AgricultureAlberta Agriculture and Irrigation, the BC Ministry of Agriculture, and the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network.  Also, refer to the grasshopper pages within the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our Field Guides page. Review the historical grasshopper maps based on late-summer in-field counts of adults performed across the Canadian prairies.


Diamondback moth

Jennifer Otani and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Scouting and pest management for diamondback moth depends on in-field counts of larvae per metre2! This means plants need to be pulled and tapped off to assess the number of larvae! Use Figure 1 below to help identify the different stages of the diamondback moth.

Figure 1. The life stages of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), which can have multiple generations per year. Photos: AAFC-Saskatoon-J. Williams.

The economic threshold for immature and flowering canola is 100-150 larvae per metre2.

Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates for this economic insect pest.

Biological and monitoring information for DBM (including tips for scouting and economic thresholds) is posted by Manitoba AgricultureSaskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, and the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network.  Also, refer to the diamondback moth pages within the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our Field Guides page.


Cabbage seedpod weevil

Jennifer Otani and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

There is one generation of cabbage seedpod weevil (CSPW; Ceutorhynchus obstrictus) per year. The overwintered adult is an ash-grey weevil measuring 3-4mm long (e.g., lower left photo).  Mating and oviposition are quickly followed by eggs hatching within developing canola pods (e.g., lower right photo). The highly concealed larvae feed within the pod, consuming the developing seeds.

Damage: Adult feeding damage to buds is more evident in dry years when canola is unable to compensate for bud loss.  Adults mate following a pollen meal then the female will deposit a single egg through the wall of a developing pod or adjacent to a developing seed within the pod (refer to lower right photo).  Eggs are oval and an opaque white, each measuring ~1mm long.  Typically a single egg is laid per pod although, when CSPW densities are high, two or more eggs may be laid per pod.

There are four larval instar stages of the CSPW and each stage is white and grub-like in appearance ranging up to 5-6mm in length (refer to lower left photo).  The first instar larva feeds on the cuticle on the outside of the pod while the second instar larva bores into the pod, feeding on the developing seeds.  A single larva consumes about 5 canola seeds.  The mature larva chews a small, circular exit hole from which it drops to the soil surface and pupation takes place in the soil within an earthen cell.  Approximately 10 days later, the new adult emerges to feed on maturing canola pods.  Later in the season, these new adults migrate to overwintering sites beyond the field.


  • Begin sampling when the crop first enters the bud stage and continue through the flowering. 
  • Sweep-net samples should be taken at ten locations within the field with ten 180° sweeps per location.  
  • Count the number of weevils at each location. Samples should be taken in the field perimeter as well as throughout the field.  
  • Adults will invade fields from the margins and if infestations are high in the borders, application of an insecticide to the field margins may be effective in reducing the population to levels below which economic injury will occur.  
  • An insecticide application is recommended when three to four weevils per sweep are collected and has been shown to be the most effective when canola is in the 10 to 20% bloom stage (2-4 days after flowering starts). 
  • Consider making insecticide applications late in the day to reduce the impact on pollinators.  Whenever possible, provide advanced warning of intended insecticide applications to commercial beekeepers operating in the vicinity to help protect foraging pollinators.  
  • High numbers of adults in the fall may indicate the potential for economic infestations the following spring.

Albertan growers can report and check the live map for CSPW posted by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (screenshot provided below for reference; retrieved 2024Jul04).

Please find additional detailed information for CSPW in fact sheets posted by Alberta Agriculture and IrrigationSaskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, or the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network.  Also refer to the cabbage seedpod weevil pages within the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page. The Canola Council of Canada’s “Canola Encyclopedia” also summarizes CSPW.


Bertha armyworm

Jennifer Otani and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Weekly Pheromone-baited Trapping Results – Early season detection of bertha armyworm is improved through the use of pheromone-baited unitraps traps deployed in fields across the Canadian prairies. Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates for this economic insect pest.

Remember: in-field scouting is required to apply the economic threshold to manage both this pest and its natural enemies. Use the images below (Fig. 1) to help identify moths from the by-catch that will be retained in the green phermone-baited unitraps.

Figure 1. Stages of bertha armyworm from egg (A), larva (B), pupa (C), to adult (D). Photos: J. Williams (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada).

Refer to the PPMN Bertha armyworm monitoring protocol for help when performing in-field scouting or review the 2024 Insect of the Week featuring bertha armyworm. Also scan over the 2019 Insect of the Week featuring bertha armyworm and its doppelganger, the clover cutworm! 

Biological and monitoring information related to bertha armyworm in field crops is posted by the provinces of ManitobaSaskatchewanAlberta and the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network. Also, refer to the bertha armyworm pages within the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.


Cereal leaf beetle

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

The cereal leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Oulema melanopus) has a broad host range. Wheat is the preferred host, but adults and larvae also feed on leaf tissue of oats, barley, corn, rye, triticale, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, wild oats, millet and other grasses. Yield quality and quantity is decreased, if the flag leaf is stripped. Fortunately, the parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is an important natural enemy of cereal leaf beetle larvae. Learn more about this beneficial insect species featured in Week 9 of 2023’s Insect of the Week!

Cereal Leaf Beetle Lifecycle and Damage:

Larva: The larvae hatch in about 5 days and feed for about 3 weeks, passing through 4 growth stages (instars). The head and legs are brownish-black; the body is yellowish. Larvae are usually covered with a secretion of mucus and fecal material, giving them a shiny black, wet appearance (Fig. 1).  When the larva completes its growth, it drops to the ground and pupates in the soil. 

Figure 1.  Larval stage of Oulema melanopus with characteristic feeding damage visible on leaf (Photo: M. Dolinski).

Pupa: Pupal colour varies from a bright yellow when it is first formed, to the colour of the adult just before emergence. The pupal stage lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Adult beetles emerge and feed for a couple of weeks before seeking overwintering sites. There is one generation per year.

Adult: Adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB) have shiny bluish-black wing covers (Fig. 2). The thorax and legs are light orange-brown. Females (4.9 to 5.5 mm) are slightly larger than males (4.4 to 5 mm). Adult beetles overwinter in and along the margins of grain fields in protected places such as in straw stubble, under crop and leaf litter, and in the crevices of tree bark. They favour sites adjacent to shelterbelts, deciduous and conifer forests. They emerge in the spring once temperatures reach 10-15 ºC and the adults are active for about 6 weeks. They usually begin feeding on grasses, then move into winter cereals and later into spring cereals.  

Figure 2. Adult Oulema melanopus measure 4.4-5.5 mm long (Photo: M. Dolinski).

Access scouting tips for cereal leaf beetle or find more detailed information by accessing the Oulema melanopus page from the “Field crop and forage pests and their natural enemies in western Canada – Identification and management field guide” (2018; accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page.


True armyworm

Jennifer Otani, John Gavloski and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Similar to diamondback moth, the true armyworm, or just armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta or Pseudaletia unipunctata) is a migratory pest in Canada. After arriving from the United States, true armyworm can have two generations of larvae before cool temperatures in the fall stop their development. True armyworm caterpillars feed along leaf margins of their hosts, leaving damage that could be misdiagnosed as grasshopper or bertha armyworm damage. Preferred hosts include native grasses, wheat, rye, corn, oats, and barley. Other hosts can include crucifer vegetables (e.g., cabbage) and alfalfa.

Phermone traps have been deployed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Manitoba Agriculture and by their collaborators and volunteers in both provinces to detect the arrival of immigrating true armyworm. Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates.

The economic threshold for true armyworm larvae in cereals is 10 larvae/m2. If scouting in the evening or at night, beat plants in a 1 m2 area and count the dislodged larvae. True armyworm larvae are more likely to be on the ground during the day, so look under leaf litter and other debris around the plants in a 1 m2 area and count the larvae. For more information and tips for scouting, refer to the armyworm pages of the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our new Field Guides page OR access Manitoba Agriculture’s scouting guide.


European Skipper

Jennifer Otani, Shelby Dufton, Amanda Jorgensen and Shelley Barkley
Week 10

This week, European skipper was reported in the northeast of Saskatchewan where more forage crops are grown.

The European skipper (Hesperiidae: Thymelicus lineola) is a diurnal, bright orange butterfly (Fig. 1). The predominantly green defoliating larvae can cause economic levels of damage in timothy. The larvae also feed on other species of grasses and winter wheat.

Figure 1. European skipper (Thymelicus lineola) adults on timothy seed seeds. Photo: S. Dufton, AAFC-Beaverlodge.

There is one generation per year of European skipper but butterfly oviposition or egg laying largely dictates where damage occurs the following summer. Host plants include timothy (Phleum pretense), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), couch or quack grass (Agrophyron repens), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata). 

Early in July, butterflies feed on nectar, mate, and lay eggs. Females lay vertical rows or “strings” of groups of ~30 eggs on the inside of grass leaf sheaths, seed heads or on the stem of a host plant. By late July, larvae develop within the eggs yet they remain safely enclosed to overwinter inside the egg shell. Eggs can be transferred in both hay and seed as seed cleaning will not remove all eggs. Early the following May, the overwintered larvae emerge from the shell, crawling up growing grass blades to feed. Five larval instar stages cause damage by defoliation of the upper leaves of timothy.

Larvae are leaf-tyers that spin and attach silk ties across the outer edges of leaves to pull them together (Figs. 2-5). The silk ties hold the leaf in a tight furl enclosing the larva within a leafy tube then it moves up and down the tube to feed. The tying behaviour and camouflaged green body (marked longitudinally with two white lines) make larvae hard to locate when scouting.  Even larger larvae with their brown head capsules are surprisingly difficult to locate because the larva will lie lengthwise, along the base of the leaf fold yet the larva remains very still until touched. When high densities of European skipper larvae are present, leaf tying goes out the window and larvae feed in more exposed areas, often amidst rapidly disappearing foliage.

Adult wingspans range from 19-26 mm but they have bright brassy orange wings with narrow black borders and hindwing undersides that are pale orange and greyish. Nectar sources for adults include orange hawkweed, thistles, oxeye daisy, fleabane, white clover, red clover, common milkweed.The typical flight season extends from early June to mid-July but will vary regionally with southern parts of the Canadian prairies starting earlier than more northern regions.

Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk09 for updates for this economic insect pest.

Cultural control strategies for European skipper include separating timothy from nectar sources to avoid attracting adults which will mate then oviposit in the same field.  Another strategy is the removal of cut grass or bales. 

In terms of chemical control, an action threshold of six or more larvae per 30 cm x 30 cm area is recommended to mitigate losses but emphasis should be placed on scouting and managing early instar larvae. If the need arises, chemical control in timothy involves using a higher water volume (e.g., 300 L H2O/ha) to adequately cover the thicker canopy.

Figure 2. Early instar larva feeding along edge of timothy leaf. Photo: A. Jorgensen, AAFC-Beaverlodge.
Figure 3. Larva resting in fold of timothy leaf formed by silken tie. Photo: K. Pivnick. AAFC-Saskatoon.
Figure 4. Larval feeding damage and silken ties on timothy leaf. Photo: K. Pivnick, AAFC-Saskatoon).
Figure 5. In situ camouflaged larvae and feeding damage in timothy. Photo: S. Barkley.

The European skipper was introduced to North America at least a century ago and has moved west and north in its distribution across western Canada even though its area of origin is recognized as Eurasia and northwestern Africa. The initial report of European skipper in Canada is from 1910 and cites it being imported on contaminated timothy seed near London, Ontario. 

Distribution records for T. lineola can be reviewed on the Butterflies of North America website. In western Canada, T. lineola established in parts of Saskatchewan by 2006. In 2008, butterflies were collected near Valleyview, Alberta (Otani, pers.comm.), and in 2015 larvae were observed feeding in the flag leaves of winter wheat near Mayerthorpe, Alberta (2015 Meers, pers. comm.).  Specimens confirmed as T. lineola were collected in 2016 near Valleyview, Donnelly, and High Prairie, Alberta (2017 Otani and Schmidt, pers. comm.) with additional specimens confirmed from Baldonnel and Clayhurst, British Columbia in 2021 (2021 Otani and Schmidt, pers. comm.).

The European skipper was the Insect of the Week in 2022 (Wk10).


Monarch migration

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

Track the migration of the Monarch butterflies as they move north by checking the 2024 Monarch Migration Map!  A screenshot of Journey North’s “first sightings of adults” map was featured Wk07. This week, the updated map of “first sightings of LARVAE” has been placed below (retrieved 11Jul2024) but follow the hyperlink to check the interactive map.  Larvae have been spotted in Manitoba and now Saskatchewan!

Access this Post to help you differentiate between Monarchs and Painted Lady Butterflies!

Visit the Journey North website to learn more about migration events in North America and visit their monarch butterfly website for more information related to this amazing insect. 


Provincial insect pest report links

Jennifer Otani, John Gavloski, Shelley Barkley, James Tansey, Carter Peru and Meghan Vankosky
Week 10

Prairie-wide provincial entomologists provide insect pest updates throughout the growing season. Follow the hyperlinks to readily access their information as the growing season progresses:

MANITOBA’S Crop Pest Updates for 2024 are available. Access the online July 11, 2024 report (or PDF copy). Bookmark the insect pest homepage to access fact sheets and more! Highlights pulled from the latest report include:
Pea aphids – Dr. J. Gavloski reported, “high levels of pea aphids in peas from fields in the Norte Dame de Lourdes area of the Central region, and the Hamiota / Oak River area of the Southwest regions”. The report includes the economic threshold for pea aphids to be checked at the beginning of flowering for field peas.
True armyworm in MB – Reports, true armyworms in some forage grass fields in the Interlake requiring insecticide treatments”. The highest cumulative trap count so far is 435 from a trap near Riverton in the Interlake region.” Scouting for larvae in cereals and forage grasses is still recommended in areas of the Central, Eastern, and Interlake regions. Access the PDF copy of the July 10 report.
Grasshoppers– Reports, “high levels of grasshoppers in wheat in the Central and Northwest regions”.
Bertha armyworm pheromone trap monitoring – Reports moths in “66 of 79 traps” although “counts have been low so far”. Where present, “eggs are now starting to hatch”. Access the PDF copy of the July 10 report.
Diamondback moth pheromone trap monitoring – Trapping is complete for 2024 (as of Wk 09; access the PDF copy of the July 4 report).

SASKATCHEWAN’S Crop Production News is back for the 2024 growing season! Access the online Issue #4 report which includes sections covering thrips in small grains cereal crops, cabbage seedpod weevil, and mid-season gopher control. Bookmark their insect pest homepage to access important information! A brief summary of the week was provided by Dr. J. Tansey (as of July 10):
Insect pests to watch – “Diamondback moth were detected in several sites”. In canola, “some lygus were detected” but “significant cabbage seedpod weevil were observed near Swift Current”. There were “several reports of barley thrips in wheat and durum”. “Pea aphid were reported in pulses”. Also, “several sites in southern and central regions have suffered ground squirrel damage to canola” with “major sections completely cleaned off”.
Grasshopper nymphs – “Grasshopper pressures have diminished considerably”.
Diamondback moth Pheromone trapping is complete for 2024 and can be reviewed online. A total of 24 sites intercepted a cumulative total of ≥25 moths so in-field monitoring for larvae should be prioritized in those areas.
• Also access the Crops Blog Posts that released a grasshopper activity update, announced registration for the Crop Diagnostic School 2024 but also posts help for scouting fields for wireworms (May 2024), grasshopper identification: pest or not (Apr 2024), a summary of wheat midge populations and management (Mar 2024), and a description of pea leaf weevil populations (Feb 2024).

ALBERTA’S Insect Pest Monitoring Network webpage links to insect survey maps, live feed maps, insect trap set-up videos, and more. There is also a Major Crops Insect webpage. Remember, AAF’s Agri-News occasionally includes insect-related information, e.g., the right canola crop stage to spray for lygus bugs (July 8, 2024), soil moisture, wheat midge and other insect pests (June 24, 2024), scout for grasshoppers and other insect pests (June 17, 2024); how to manage stem feeding from flea beetles, keep canola bins malathion-free, scout for grasshoppers and other pests (June 10, 2024); scout for insect pests (June 3, 2024); scout for grasshoppers (May 27, 2024); flea beetle control (May 6, 2024); cereal insect pests, latest on insects in canola, and post-emergence wireworm scouting (May 13, 2024).
Wheat midge monitoring – Cumulative counts arising from weekly data are available so refer to the Live Map. Shelley Barkley reported that, “midge numbers are increasing in the Edmonton and Peace region”. So far, cumulative trap counts from 26 trap locations are reporting; 6 sites in central Alberta are “high” and in the Peace River region 18 sites are reporting “high”, 2 sites are “medium”, and 2 sites are “low” (as of July 11, 2024).
Grasshoppers – Shelley Barkley reported that “nymphs are around but no adult pest grasshoppers have been seen yet” but that “(they) may be seen soon with the hot weather this week and expected for the next week or so”.
Cabbage seedpod weevil monitoring – Sweep-net count data can be reported here then populates the Live Map. So far, a total of 16 sites in southern Alberta are reporting; there are 14 “low risk” plus 2 “high risk” reports as of July 11, 2024).
Bertha armyworm pheromone trap monitoring – Cumulative counts arising from weekly data are available so refer to the Live Map. Cumulative trap counts from 251 trap locations are all reporting “low risk” while 1 trap location near Vulcan is reporting “medium risk” as of July 11, 2024).
Armyworm moths – Shelley Barkley reported that, “Lindgren traps have been catching high numbers of armyworm moths (Miller moths) in the last week; in her experience, high moth numbers in traps in summer are indicative of high levels of cutworm damage the following spring”.
Diamondback moth pheromone trap monitoring – Cumulative counts arising from weekly data are available so refer to the Live Map. Cumulative trap counts have been recorded from 32 reporting sites and 28 remain in the “no risk” category as of July 4, 2024). Four trap locations have caught > 25 adult diamondback moths; sites fall within the County of Grande Prairie (as of June 8, 2024), County of Warner (as of June 15, 2024), Vulcan County (as of June 15, 2024), and County of Barrhead (as of June 15, 2024).
Cutworm live monitoring map – Cumulative counts arising from weekly data are available so refer to the Live Map. So far, 10 surveyed sites have reported from across the province, nine falling within southern Alberta and one report from the County of Grande Prairie.


Crop report links

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

Access the latest provincial crop reports produced by:
Manitoba Agriculture (subscribe to receive OR access a PDF copy of the July 9, 2024 report).
Saskatchewan Agriculture (or access a PDF copy of the July 2-8, 2024 report).
Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (or access a PDF copy of the July 2, 2024 report).

The following crop reports are also available:
• The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) produces a Crop Progress Report (access a PDF copy of the July 08, 2024 edition).
• The USDA’s Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin (access a PDF copy of the July 09, 2024 edition).


Previous posts

Jennifer Otani
Week 10

As the growing season progresses, the Weekly Update topics move on and off the priority list for in-field scouting. It remains useful to keep the list at hand to support season-long monitoring. Click to review these earlier 2024 Posts (organized alphabetically):
2023 Risk maps
Alfalfa weevil (Wk 09)
Cicada – Rare co-emergence of broods (Wk07)
Crop production guide links (Wk 03)
Cutworms (Wk 05)
Field heroes (Wk 05)
Flea beetles (Wk 04)
Invasive insects (Wk 06)
Monarch migration (Wk 09)
Pea leaf weevil (Wk 05)
Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network (Wk 08)
Prairie Weed Monitoring Network (Wk 06)
Scouting charts – canola and flax (Wk 03 of 2022)
Tick tips (Wk 04)
True armyworm (Wk 09)
West Nile virus (Wk 09)
Wind trajectory summaries unavailable (Wk 01)


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