Aphids in field crops

Aphid populations can quickly increase at this point in the season and particularly when growing conditions are warm and dry. Access the Provincial Insect Pest Report for Wk12 to remain alert to areas and crops suffering from aphid pest pressure.

Figure 1. Pea aphid adults (each 3-4 mm long) and nymph. Photo: M. Dolinski.

Biological and monitoring information (including tips for scouting and economic thresholds) related to aphids in field crops is posted by:
• Manitoba Agriculture (aphids on cereals, aphids on flax, soybean aphid, aphids on peas)
• Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (aphids in pulse crops or access the PDF copy)
• Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission
• Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (soybean aphids: identification, scouting and management or access the PDF copy)
• The Canola Council of Canada’s “Canola Encyclopedia” section on aphids
• or check your provincial commodity group’s insect pest webpages for more detailed information.

Alternatively, several aphid pest species are described in the “Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada: Identification and management field guide” (2018) and is accessible as a free downloadable PDF in either English or French on our Field Guides page. PDF copies of the individual pages have been linked below to access quickly:
Corn leaf aphid or Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)
English grain aphid or Sitobion (Macrosiphum) avenae (Fabricius)
Oat-birdcherry aphid or Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus)
Pea aphid or Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)
Potato aphid or Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas)
Soybean aphid or Aphis glycines (Matsumura)
Turnip aphid or Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)
Sugar beet root aphid or Pemphigus betae Doane
Russian wheat aphid or Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)

Over the years, both the Weekly Updates and Insect of the Week have included aphid-related information but also important natural enemy details to support in-field scouting. Review the list below so pest and beneficial insects can be distinguished readily when scouting fields:
Aphidius wasp (Insect of the Week; 2015 Wk15)
Aphids in canola (Insect of the Week; 2016 Wk13)
Aphids in cereals (Insect of the Week; 2017 Wk09)
Cereal aphid manager APP (Weekly Update; 2021 Wk07) that presently is available only for iOS
Ladybird larva vs. lacewing larva (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk18)
Ladybird beetles and mummies (Weekly Update; 2020 Wk15)
Lygus bug nymphs vs. aphids (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk16)
Hoverflies vs. bees vs. yellow jacket wasps (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk19)
Pea aphids: a persistent problem for legume growers (Insect of the Week; 2021 Wk12)
Soybean aphids and aphid annihilating allies (Insect of the Week; 2022 Wk07)
Syrphid flies (Insect of the Week; 2015 Wk16)

Aphids in field crops

Aphid populations can quickly increase at this point in the season and particularly when growing conditions are warm and dry. Over the years, both the Weekly Updates and Insect of the Week included aphid-related information so here’s a list of these items to access when scouting fields:

Aphidius wasp (Insect of the Week; 2015 Wk15)
Aphids in canola (Insect of the Week; 2016 Wk13)
Aphids in cereals (Insect of the Week; 2017 Wk09)
Cereal aphid manager APP (Weekly Update; 2021 Wk07) that presently is available only for iOS
Ladybird larva vs. lacewing larva (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk18)
Ladybird beetles and mummies (Weekly Update; 2020 Wk15)
Lygus bug nymphs vs. aphids (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk16)
Hoverflies vs. bees vs. yellow jacket wasps (Insect of the Week; 2019 Wk19)
Pea aphids: a persistent problem for legume growers (Insect of the Week; 2021 Wk12)
Soybean aphids and aphid annihilating allies (Insect of the Week; 2022 Wk07)
Syrphid flies (Insect of the Week; 2015 Wk16)

Doppelgangers: Hoverflies vs. bees vs. yellow jacket wasps

Hoverflies are un-BEE-lievably good mimics of bees and yellow jacket wasps!

Mimicry is used by insects in several ways.
Some insects, like the ambush bug and praying mantis, look like plants. These predators sit very still, blending into their surroundings, and wait very patiently for their unwitting prey to pass by. Other insects, use mimicry to avoid predation, often by taking on the appearance of species with clear markings that are known to be dangerous. Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are some of the most convincing mimics of all of the insects. Even experts can have a difficult time distinguishing hoverflies from bees and wasps, especially when working in the field.

Bees (honeybees, solitary bees, native bees; Hymenoptera: Apidae): Bees are important pollinators, usually with distinctive black and yellow strips. Bees have two pairs of wings and are much fuzzier than wasps or hoverflies. Bees have stingers, but are not aggressive under normal circumstances. Some species of bees (e.g. honeybees) have barbed stingers that become lodged inside their victim. When this happens, the stinger is pulled out of the body of the bee and the bee dies. For this reason, bees with barbed stingers only sting as a last resort, in an effort to protect their colony. Bees are beneficial insects that will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

cc-by 2.0 Renee Grayson

Yellow jacket wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): Yellow jackets and some of their close relatives have colouring similar to bees. Like bees, wasps have two pairs of wings. Unlike bees, which are usually vegetarians, wasps are carnivores that eat other insects. Thus, wasps are beneficial insects, but they also have a bad reputation for harming people because they scavenge for food at our picnics and barbecues during the summer. Wasps also tend to be aggressive and will sting with little provocation.

Yellow jacket wasp
cc-by-nc-nd 2.0 Bryan Jones

Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): Hoverflies belong to a completely different order of insects than bees and wasps. Like bees, hoverflies are pollinators and are often observed hovering over flowering plants in fields and gardens. Unlike bees and wasps, hoverflies only have one pair of wings. Hoverflies do not have a stinger. They also do not have biting mouthparts, so they can do no harm to people. Hoverflies protect themselves from predators, and people, by mimicking bees and wasps. In addition to pollinating plants, hoverflies provide another important ecosystem service: their larvae are predators of small plant-dwelling insects like aphids!

Syrphid fly
cc-by-nc-sa 2.0 Eero Sarkkinen

The case of the innocuous versus the evil twin: When making pest management decisions, be sure that the suspect is actually a pest. This can be challenge since insects often mimic each other or look very similar. An insect that looks, moves and acts like a pest may in fact be a look-alike or doppelganger.

Doppelgangers may be related (e.g. same genus) or may not be related, as in the case of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and viceroys (Limenitis achrippus).  Doppelgangers are usually relatively harmless but sometimes the doppelganger is a pest yet their behaviour, lifecycle or hosts may be different.

Correctly identifying a pest enables selection of the most accurate scouting or monitoring protocol. Identification and monitoring enables the application of economic thresholds. It also enables a producer to select and apply the most effective control option(s) including method and timing of application.  For the rest of the growing season, the Insect of the Week will feature insect crop pests and their doppelgangers.

Review previously featured insects by visiting the Insect of the Week page.

Contributed by Dr. Meghan Vankosky (@vanbugsky). 

Insect of the week – Syrphid flies

This week’s Insect of the week is an important aphid predator, the syrphid fly. Syrphid flies are more commonly known as hoverflies. There are many species in the Syrphidae family and the adults of several species mimic wasps.   

Wasps are characterized by having two pairs of wings, a tightly tapered ‘waist’, long antennae, and a yellow and black body. In contrast, hoverflies or syrphid flies have one pair of wings, a less distinct ‘waist’, have short antennae, and an abdomen striped yellow and black or a black and brown body. Syrphid flies also have relatively large compound eyes  characteristic to all Diptera spp. Mimicking the appearance of a wasp helps protect syrphid flies from predation.  

Find out more about hoverflies and more at the Insect of the Week page!

Two syrphid flies on a hawkweed flower.
(c) 2015 John Gavloski, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development