2018 Swede Midge Pheromone Monitoring Results

In 2018, swede midge pheromone traps were deployed at 41 sites across the Prairie region of Canada to monitor adult populations of this brassica pest. Of the 41 trap sites, 16 were located in Alberta, 19 in Saskatchewan (where positive swede midge identifications were made in 2007 and 2009), and 6 in Manitoba.

None of the traps were positive for swede midge in 2018. 

We are grateful to all of the producers, agronomists, and cooperators who participated in the 2018 swede midge monitoring project. Without your assistance, we could not have supported such a thorough and widespread pheromone monitoring program.

We also extend our thanks to Jonathon Williams for organizing the program, distributing trapping materials, and processing returned sticky cards for adult swede midge.

Because of the serious threat that swede midge poses to canola production, it is vital that monitoring for swede midge continues across the Prairies. At this time, plans are being made for the 2019 swede midge monitoring program. We hope that we can count on your support and cooperation in 2019.

At this time, plans are being made for the 2019 swede midge monitoring program. Agrologists or growers interested in performing weekly monitoring in 2019 are encouraged to contact Jonathon Williams, Boyd Mori, or Meghan Vankosky for more information.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research and Development Centre

More information about swede midge can be found by:

2017 Swede Midge Pheromone Monitoring Results

In 2017, swede midge pheromone traps were deployed at 46 sites across the Prairie region to monitor for populations of this brassica pest. Of the 46 trap sites, two were located in BC, 19 in Alberta, 16 in Saskatchewan, and nine in Manitoba. Figure 1 illustrates trap site locations in 2017. Two pheromone traps were deployed at each site.

All of the traps were negative for swede midge in 2017. 

Figure 1.  Pheromone trap site locations for swede midge (Continarinia nasturtii) in 2017.

We are grateful to all of the producers, agronomists, and cooperators who participated in the 2017 swede midge monitoring project. Without your assistance, we could not have supported such a thorough and widespread pheromone monitoring program.

We also extend our thanks to Nancy Melnychuk (AAFC-Saskatoon) for organizing the program and distributing trapping materials, and to Jonathon Williams and Shane Hladun (AAFC-Saskatoon) for examining the returned sticky cards.

Because of the serious threat that swede midge poses to canola production, it is vital that monitoring continues across the Prairies. At this time, plans are being made for the 2018 swede midge monitoring program. Agrologists or growers interested in performing weekly monitoring in 2018 are encouraged to contact Jonathon Williams, Boyd Mori, or Meghan Vankosky for more information.

Boyd Mori and Meghan Vankosky
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research and Development Centre

More information about swede midge can be found by:

• Referring to the Canola Watch article by Dr. Julie Soroka or accessing a new Ontario fact sheet produced by Baute et al. 2016.
• Accessing the swede midge pages within the new Field Guide which is available as a free download in either English or French.

2016 Swede Midge Pheromone Monitoring

In 2016, swede midge pheromone traps were deployed at 62 sites across the Prairie region to monitor adult populations of this brassica pest. Of the 62 trap sites, two were located in BC, 13 in Alberta, 29 in Saskatchewan (where positive swede midge identifications were made in 2007 and 2009), and 13 in Manitoba. The map below illustrates trap site locations in 2016.

None of the traps were positive for swede midge in 2016. 

We are grateful to all of the producers, agronomists, and cooperators who participated in the 2016 swede midge monitoring project. Without your assistance, we could not have supported such a thorough and widespread pheromone monitoring program. 

We also extend our thanks to Nancy Melnychuk (AAFC-Saskatoon) for organizing the program, distributing trapping materials, and processing returned sticky cards for adult swede midge.

Because of the serious threat that swede midge poses to canola production, it is vital that monitoring for swede midge continues across the Prairies. At this time, plans are being made for the 2017 swede midge monitoring program. Agrologists or growers interested in performing weekly monitoring in 2017 are encouraged to email either your provincial entomologist or the survey researchers hyperlinked below for more information.

Owen Olfert (AAFC-Saskatoon) 

Boyd Mori (AAFC-Saskatoon) 
Meghan Vankosky (AAFC-Saskatoon) 

John Gavloski (Manitoba Agriculture) 
Scott Hartley (Saskatchewan Agriculture) 
Scott Meers (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry) 

More information about swede midge can be found by:
• Referring to the Canola Watch article by Dr. Julie Soroka or accessing a new Ontario fact sheet produced by Baute et al. 2016.
• Accessing the swede midge pages within the new Field Guide which is available as a free download in either English or French.

Ongoing Monitoring Efforts for 2015

In 2014, the PPMN compiled data for the following sites highlighted in the map below.  The monitoring data collected from these sites forms invaluable sources of information both now and into the future.

Agricultural people from federal, provincial, regional and industry sectors all contribute to this tremendous effort!  Monitoring at sites like these below provides crucial information on insect pest risk before and during the growing season.  Some sites are visited annually while others are checked weekly and all that data enables the synthesis and generation of risk and forecast maps like those posted here.

THANK YOU to all who contribute!
Please contact Dr. Owen Olfert at AAFC-Saskatoon for more information about this map.