NEW BOOK! Cow patty critters: An introduction to the ecology, biology and identification of insects in cattle dung on Canadian pastures

Entomologist Dr. Kevin Floate aims to answer ‘what critters are found in a cow patty?’ and ‘what do they do?’ His hope is to spark the interest of ranchers and farmers, and to stir the minds of students studying insects. In his own words, ‘This is the guide I wish I had when I started my career.’

Cover and sample content of Cow Patty Critters

Insects serve an outsized role in many ecosystem services. For dung on Canadian pastures, there are over 300 species of insects helping to break down and cycle nutrients through the soil and food webs. Understanding what insects are present in a cow patty provides insights into livestock health and ecological processes.

Dr. Kevin Floate speaking about insects to a captivated audience. Photo credit: Cam Goater, University of Lethbridge

Download your copy of Cow Patty Critters in English or in French.

This new 224-page, full color guide provides the ‘doorway’ to learn more about the critters one can find in cow dung: how to identify them, how they can be beneficial, and additional information on the biology and morphology of multiple insect groups. Also included is an extensive reference list for those who wish to pursue detailed insect identification.